"The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires."
~William Arthur Ward

Sunday, December 11, 2011


NEWSLETTER December 12-16, 2011

This is a short and fun week for Second grade! The last day of school before the Christmas holidays will be on December 15th. Thursday is a full day of school.

This week we will cover the following:

SPELLING: Sound pattern for /o/ sound. Spelling test Thursday !

MATH: Money: Dollars, half-dollars, quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies.

R/W: Autobiographies and biographies. Questioning a text: Before, during and after reading.

READ ALOUD: George Marvelous Medicine by Roald Dahl.

SOCIAL STUDIES: Personal timelines.


December 14   Fieldtrip to Museo para La Identidad Nacional (MIN)

                         located in Tegucigalpa’s downtown area.

In our Social Studies unit it is our goal to observe the changes that have taken place in Honduran history and how things have improved in our society. Therefore, we are planning a fieldtrip to MIN. Due to the morning traffic in the downtown area we will leave school at 8:15 a.m. We will head back to school at 11:00 a.m. The entrance fee is Lps.30.00 so please send this money with your child no later than Monday. The guided tour will be in English and Spanish.

Make sure the children have eaten a hearty breakfast since we will be having our snack a little bit later than usual. Please pack something easy to handle. Please wear the Discovery School shirt for the fieldtrip.

December 15    Christmas Lunch @ 12:15 p.m. and Song fest @ 6:00 p.m.
                           Please send the Lps.120.00 with your child for our Christmas Lunch. The Christmas  
                           Committee ordered a KFC menu which includes: krispy chicken and sides, drinks,   
                           dessert and a Christmas present for each student.

                          Our second graders have been working really hard to prepare for their presentation this
                          Thursday, December 15. We want them to be back in school by 5:30 p.m. the latest.

All Second grade students should come dressed in black bottoms (pants, skirts) and a white, red or green shirt for the presentation.

**SCHOOL SUPPORT-STAFF BASKETS: please help us out in putting together baskets for our cleaning and maintenance personnel at school by sending 1-2 bottles of oil, 2 boxes of margarine or 3 lbs. of lard. Please send this no later than Tuesday, December 13. Any other items you may want to donate (canned goods or non perishable items) are always welcome.

Have a nice week!

Ms. Muriel Chávez and Ms. Elena Borjas

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Newsletter: December 5-9, 2011

NEWSLETTER December 5-9, 2011

December is a very busy month! Song fest is coming soon….

This week we will cover the following:

SPELLING: Sound pattern for /i/ sound. Spelling test Friday !

MATH: Math test. Money: Dollars, half-dollars, quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies.

R/W: Autobiographies and biographies. Questioning a text: Before, during and after reading.

READ ALOUD: George Marvelous Medicine by Roald Dahl.

SOCIAL STUDIES: Technological and communication developments. Transportation. Timeline.


December 9

@ 2:10 p.m. Ms. Amy Robertson will come to read with the second graders, The Legend of Old Befana, an Italian legend by Tomie DePaola. Amy will also bring some Italian cookies to share with them. Ms. Cristiana and Ms. Yolinda volunteered to bring hot chocolate and candy canes for the children while they enjoy reading this wonderful book.

December 14

Fieldtrip to Museo para La Identidad Nacional (MIN) located in Tegucigalpa’s downtown area.

In our Social Studies unit it is our goal to observe the changes that have taken place in Honduran history and how things have improved in our society. Therefore, we are planning a fieldtrip to MIN. Due to the morning traffic in the downtown area we will leave school at 8:15 a.m. We will head back to school at 11:00 a.m. The entrance fee is Lps.30.00 so please send this money with your child no later than Monday. The guided tour will be in English and Spanish.

Make sure the children have eaten a hearty breakfast since we will be having our snack a little bit later than usual. Please pack something easy to handle.

December 15

Christmas Lunch @ 12:15 p.m. and Song fest @ 6:00 p.m.

All elementary students should come dressed in black bottoms (pants or skirts) and a green, red or white shirt for the presentation.

The Christmas Committee is asking for a Lps.120.00 contribution for the Christmas lunch for the second graders. The meal will include chicken,  2 -3 entrees, drinks, cookie decoration (dessert) and a christmas present. Please send the money with your child not later than Tuesday, December 13.

Have a nice week!

Ms. Muriel Chávez and Ms. Elena Borjas

Saturday, November 26, 2011


NEWSLETTER  November 28-December 3 , 2011

Christmas is around the corner! We are getting ready for our Song Fest presentation Yipee!

This week we will cover the following:

SPELLING: Long /e/ sound. Spelling test Friday !

MATH: Subtration with one and two digits. Estimation.

R/W: Biographies. Writing journals. Pronouns, use of I and me.

READ ALOUD: George Marvelous Medicine by Roald Dahl.

SOCIAL STUDIES: History. Timeline. Transportation.


November 30                 Half Day. Staff Development. Students leave at 11:45 a.m.

December                      Tentative Fieldtrip to Museo Para La Identidad Nacional.

December 15                 Song Fest.  End of Second Quarter:  All elementary students should come dressed
                                       in black bottoms (pants or skirts) and a green, red or white shirt for the

Have a nice week!

Ms. Muriel Chávez and Ms. Elena Borjas

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Newsletter 21-23, 2011

NEWSLETTER November 21-23, 2011

This is a very short week!

This week we will cover the following:

SPELLING: No spelling list!

MATH: Math review. Math Test. Regrouping with subtraction.

R/W: Characterization. Writing journals. Nouns (proper and common nouns).

SOCIAL STUDIES: New unit on maps and globes.


November 23

Midterm Progress reports go home: If a conference was not requested and you would like one, please do not hesitate to contact the school. These reports need to be signed and sent back to school on Monday.

Thanksgiving Lunch: The second graders are going to enjoy a Menu Campero Infantil. The Thanksgiving committee asked parents to send the Lps.100.00 with their child. We will have a free open stage for those students willing to perform to their classmates before lunch.

November 24-25

Thanksgiving Holiday!

Have a nice week!

Ms. Muriel Chávez and Ms. Elena Borjas

Friday, November 11, 2011

NEWSLETTER November 14-17,2011

NEWSLETTER      November 14-17, 2011

The Thanksgiving Committee is preparing for our lunch on Wednesday 23! More information will be sent home.

This week we will cover the following:

SPELLING: Patterns for /a/. Spelling test on Thursday!

MATH: Solve problems involving addition by using data from a table. Estimation of a sum as a multiple of 10, regrouping when subtracting.

R/W: Create a Venn Diagram to compare characters. Make a lap foldable notebook. Writing journals. Nouns (proper and common nouns).

SCIENCE: Placing objects in serial order, balancing with unifix cubes, graphing the weights of objects, describe the properties of four different foods.


November 16           Thanksgiving face-in-hole picture day

November 17           Midterm

November 18-19     Teacher’s Workshop (No school for students)

November 23          Progress reports go home / Thanksgiving Lunch

November 24-25 Thanksgiving Holiday!

Have a nice week!

Ms. Muriel Chávez and Ms. Elena Borjas

Sunday, November 6, 2011

NEWSLETTER November 7-11, 2011

NEWSLETTER November 7-11, 2011

Thanks to Ms. Deborah Chibonga, Ms. Sandra Noguera and Ms.Emily Weitnauer! For helping us with the delicious pizza, treats and beverages on Character Day. The children enjoyed it very much! Thank you for your help ladies!

This week we will cover the following:

SPELLING: Patterns for sk, mp and ng. Spelling test on Friday!

MATH: Adding a one-digit number to a two-digit number, regrouping, adding 3 two-digit numbers with paper and pencil. 

R/W: Continue reading fantasy books. Analyze the role of the characters in a story. Create a character role web. D.E.A.R= Drop Everything And Read. Continue with our writing journals. Nouns (proper and common nouns).  

SCIENCE: Building mobiles, exploring the equal-arm balance, comparing objects, placing objects in serial order.

LIBRARY: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory movie.    


November 17                      Midterm

November 18-19                Teacher’s Workshop (No school for students)

November 23                      Progress reports go home

November 24                      Thanksgiving Lunch

November 25-26                 Thanksgiving Holiday!

Have a nice week!

Ms. Muriel Chávez and Ms. Elena Borjas

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Newsletter October 31- November 4, 2011

NEWSLETTER October 31-November 4, 2011

A back to normal week!

This week we will cover the following:

SPELLING: Patterns for gl, bl and pl. Spelling test on Friday!

MATH: Numeric patterns. Find the missing part of 100. Look back and check strategy.

R/W: Continue reading fantasy books. Analyze the role of the characters in a story. Create a character role web. Model D.E.A.R. (D.E.A.R= Drop Everything And Read).Continue with our writing journals.

SCIENCE: We will begin our Science Unit on BALANCING AND WEIGHING. Balance an object and explore the interaction between weight and distance using unifix cubes, beams and fulcrums.



Thanks to all of our second grade chaperones: Ms.Chibonga, Ms. Navarro, Ms. Ventura and Ms.Garcia for accompanying us last Thursday on our fieldtrip to Metromedia.


All parents are cordially invited to see our second graders present their book characters to their Reading Buddies. We are planning to start from 8:25 a.m.– 8:50 a.m. This is an excellent opportunity for them to practice their oral skills and talk about the elements of a story.

The Book Character Committee wants to celebrate lunch with our second grade book characters. They asked for a Lps.70.00 contribution for this activity. Please send them with your child inside their Take Home Folder no later than today.


The school Cafeteria wants to invite all the Elementary Parents to come and have lunch with their child(ren) on Friday, November 4. On this day, the Adult size meal will be offered for the children size price! You can order lasagna or pizza from the cafeteria. Please contact Ms. Marta Bandes.

Have a nice week!

Ms. Muriel Chávez and Ms. Elena Borjas

Saturday, October 22, 2011


NEWSLETTER October 25-28, 2011

Hope you had a great holiday! What a short week!

It was nice to see you during our student led conferences. These conferences open a channel of communication and feedback on your children’s performance and the MAP test results.

This week we will cover the following:

SPELLING: NO Spelling test on Friday!

MATH: Adding 2 digits without regrouping.

READ ALOUD: Finish reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

R/W: Reading fantasy books. Analyze the role of the characters in a story. Create a character role web. Introduction to the physical attributes of a character.

SCIENCE: Wrap up our Science Unit.


Wednesday, October 26 - Early dismissal. Students will be going home at 11:45 to allow teachers to work on the SACS Committee recommendations for school improvement.

We are ready for our first quarter fieldtrip to METROMEDIA. We will be leaving school at 9:40 a.m. on Thursday, October 27th and coming back around 11:15 a.m. Please make sure the children come to school wearing the Discovery School shirt. We will require school transportation (2 buses), and we would like to know how many parents would be interested in joining us for the fieldtrip. Please contact your child’s teacher as soon as possible. The purpose of the fieldtrip is to promote the students’ interest in books by visiting this local bookstore. If you would like for your child to purchase a reading book at Metromedia, please send Lps.150.00. Since there is an Expresso Americano Coffee Shop in the store, your child might want to buy a treat, so make sure he or she has enough money to buy a snack.


Yudia and Diego are inviting all of the second grade students to their birthday party that will be held on Thursday, October 27th. The children will be having pizza, cake and drinks.

The U.N. DAY CELEBRATION will take place on the 28th of October. This will be a half-day for the students. Festivities will begin around 9:00 a.m. Buses will be ready for students to leave at 11:40 a.m. Have your child wear a hat or cap to school as we will be spending a great deal of time outside, weather permitting of course.

Book Character Day is scheduled for Monday October 31, 2011. At Discovery, we do not celebrate Halloween, instead we celebrate book characters. This is a great time for kids to wear a costume and celebrate literacy. The school requests to refrain from choosing grotesque characters (i.e. skeletons, bloody or dead people, etc.) The costumes must represent a character that originated from a book or story. In other words, dressing up as Cinderella is allowed since it was originally a story, but Power Rangers are not allowed since they are TV characters and later on became book characters. Remember, “Book before a movie.” Second graders will have the opportunity to present their characters to their Reading Buddies. The sheet to be filled out by each child/parent will be distributed this week. The Book Character Committee is planning on providing a delicious pizza, treats and beverages to the second graders. Therefore, they are kindly requesting a Lps.70.00 contribution for this activity. Please send them with your child inside their Take Home Folder.


The school Cafeteria wants to invite all the Elementary Parents to come and have lunch with their child(ren) on Friday, November 4. On this day, the Adult size meal will be offered for the children size price! A notice for pre-ordering will be sent home next week, but you might want to mark your calendars for that day.

Enjoy the rest of the week!

Ms. Muriel Chávez and Ms. Elena Borjas

Monday, October 17, 2011

NEWSLETTER October 18-21

Welcome back! Hope you had a great holiday!

This is a very short week we will cover the following: 

SPELLING:  There will be no spelling list this week. 

MATH:  Thinking addition to subtract. Using data from a picture.  Problem-solving applications. 

READ ALOUD: Finish reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory  by Roald Dahl. 

R/W:  Reading fantasy books. Analyze the role of the characters in a story. Create a character role web. Introduction to the physical attributes of a character. Prepare their conference folders. 

SCIENCE: Wrap up our Science Unit.

STUDENT LED CONFERENCES will take place Friday October 21st. There will be no classes on this day but parents need to come with their child to the conferences as they will have to share with you their accomplishments.  Out of respect for other parents’ schedules, conferences will be held for 20 minutes only. It is imperative to arrive on time. If your child’s concerns were not addressed in the designated 20 minute interval, you are free to request an additional conference for a later date. Times for appointments will be sent out home on Tuesday. 

BOOK CHARACTER DAY is scheduled for Monday October 31, 2011. At Discovery, we do not celebrate Halloween, instead we celebrate book characters. This is a great time for kids to wear a costume and celebrate literacy.  The school requests to refrain from choosing grotesque characters (i.e. skeletons, bloody or dead people, etc.) The costumes must represent a character that originated from a book or story. In other words, dressing up as Cinderella is allowed since it was originally a story, but Power Rangers are not allowed since they are TV characters and later on became book characters. Remember, “Book before a movie.” Second graders will have the opportunity to present their characters to their Reading Buddies.  We sheet to be filled out by each child/parent will be distributed on Friday. 

BAKE SALE.  Drama Club is having a bake sale on Thursday, October 20. 

HAVE LUNCH WITH YOUR ELEMENTARY STUDENT  The school Cafeteria wants to invite all the Elementary Parents to come and have lunch with their child(ren) on Friday, November 4.  On this day, the Adult size meal will be offered for the children size price! A notice for pre-ordering will be sent home next week, but you might want to mark your calendars for that day.  

MONDAY, OCTOBER 24 – Honduran Armed Forces Day – HOLIDAY! 

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28 – UN Day Celebration  - Half Day 

Enjoy the rest of the week! 
Ms. Muriel Chávez and Ms. Elena Borjas

Monday, October 10, 2011


Dear Parents,
Get ready for the bundle of activities coming up these next few weeks!

Check out what we'll be working on this week:

READ ALOUD:  Charlie and the Chocolate Factory  by Roald Dahl

READING: Our students reallly enjoyed working in our reading centers last week! It gave them an opportunity to practice previously learned reading skills.  More to come in the near future!! 
We have finally reached the end of our Traditional Literature genre unit and will be starting with our Fantasy unit this week. The students will begin a study on Charcterization, where they will analyze characters by identifying their role in a story, their physical attributes, and the character's personality; they will be using a Venn Diagram to compare their character with another one.  Students will also make use of their Prior Knowledge to help them understand a specific text better.

WRITING:   Have your envelopes and stamps ready students, cause it's Letter Writing time!  This week, we begin our Friendly Letter unit.  Students will learn the different parts that make up a friendly letter and write several letters to the people of their choice.  At the end of this unit, students will choose their best letter and mail it for real!  During this unit, we will be focusing on Sentence Fluency and Sentence Structure.  Students will use different sentence structures to help their letters sound great when read aloud! 

SPELLING: Patterns for gr,dr and tr. Test on Friday.  

MATH: Addition with doubles and 3 addends. Writing number sentences. 

SCIENCE:  Use of chromatography to separate ink into its component colors. Substance.



GENERAL ASSEMBLY Our Genereal Assembly will be this Thursday October 13th at 6:00 p.m. Please try to come! 

HOLIDAY  Monday October 17th 

Next Friday October 21st is Student Led Conferences / Report Card Day. There will be no classes on this day, but parents need to come with their 2nd grader for the conference. Times for appointments will be sent out soon.



Parents, don't forget to check out the "Home-School Connection" link!  It's got so many great activities and websites to help reinforce concepts taught in school!  

Have a wonderful week!

Mrs. Elena & Ms. Muriel 

Monday, October 3, 2011



October 4-7, 2011

We hope everyone had a great holiday!  This month is full of holidays!!

Here are some things that we will be working on this week:

R/W:  Assessments in Reading continue. Review of basic sentence structure and beginning process of writing: Drafting. Reading centers: Listening cd’s and answering different type of questions, recording reading fluency, sequencing, use of capital letters, use of overhead projector to work with different comprehension questions. Reading books on-line.

Math:  Solving problems using clues and data. Chapter review. Math Test Thursday.

Spelling:  Spelling centers. Spelling test on Friday!

Read Aloud:  Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl.

Science:  Evaporation, mixing two substances together, changes in solids.


** Starting Tuesday, October 4, our security at the gate will be stricter. If you don’t have a new sticker, you will be asked to park outside. We know that this will take a little longer at 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m., we rely on your continued patience and cooperation with the guards and school personnel to help us keep your children and the school as safe as possible.

Oct. 13           General Assembly Meeting

Oct.14            End of 1st. Quarter

Oct.17            Holiday – Columbus Day

Oct.21            Half Day – Student Led Conferences-Report Cards

Oct.24             Holiday- Honduran Armed Forces Day

Oct. 28            Half Day - U.N. Day celebration


Ms. Muriel Chávez & Ms. Elena Borjas

Saturday, September 24, 2011


Dear Parents,
It is almost October and we have many enriching activities for the children!

This is what we will be learning about this week:  

MATH: Even and odd numbers, ordinal numbers, skip counting patterns.

SCIENCE: CHANGES Solids and  liquids.

SPELLING:  The /e/ sound. Spelling test on Friday.

R/W:  Continue unit on Traditional Literature.  Students will learn the different parts of a sentence (subject, action, etc) and continue writing their Fictional Narratives. We will start our reading learning centers. Journaling.

READ ALOUD: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory  by Roald Dahl. 

READING BUDDIES:  What a blast! 5th graders and 2nd graders are enjoying our reading sessions that include getting to know each other and interview their reading buddies for a taste of their favorite books.


MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) TEST  continues on September 27th and Wednesday September 28th. Please try NOT to be absent on those days! MAP tests are computerized adaptive assessments that provide information to meet your child´s needs. The areas evaluated are Reading, Math and Language usage. If you have any questions feel free to contact us.

B-DAY CELEBRATION  Ritza Padilla is inviting all of the second grade students to her birthday party that will be held on Friday, September 30th during our lunch period time. The children will be having pizza, cake and juice.  Only send a snack for your child.

Parents, don't forget to check out the "Home-School Connection" link!  It's got so many great activities and websites to help reinforce concepts taught in school!  

Have a wonderful HOLIDAY!

Ms. Muriel and Ms. Elena 

Sunday, September 18, 2011

NEWSLETTER Sept. 19 - 23

Dear Parents,

We hope you had a wonderful time with family and friends!

This is what we will be learning about this week:  

MATH: Place value. Read and write number words, compare numbers using greater than, less than, equal to symbols (>, <, =), use a number line to determine the closest number to ten. 

THEME: We will begin our SCIENCE unit on CHANGES. 

SPELLING:  The /nd/ and /st/ sounds. Spelling test on Friday.

R/W:  Continue unit on Traditional Literature.  Ss will learn the different parts of a sentence (subject, action, etc) and continue writing their Fictional Narratives.

Horton hears a Who by Dr. Seuss. We are going to watch the movie during our library time. 

READ ALOUD: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory  by Roald Dahl. 


MIDTERM PROGRESS REPORTS will be sent home on Monday September 20th. Please make sure you sign and return them to school as soon as possible. If a conference was not asked for, and you would like to have one, please call or email us at your earliest convenience.

MAP TESTING begins this Tuesday. The testing days for 2nd grade are Tuesday September 20th, Tuesday September 27th and Wednesday September 28th. Please try NOT to be absent on those days!

AFTER SCHOOL ACTIVITIES begin on Tuesday September 20th.  Please make sure you pick your child promptly at 4:00 p.m.

B-DAY CELEBRATION On Tuesday, September 20th, we will be celebrating Cesia Aleman's birthday!  Cesia's parents will bring pizza and cake for all second grade, as we join Cesia on this very special day.  Please do not bring lunch on this day, only a snack. 

Friday, September 9, 2011

NEWSLETTER (Sept. 12 -13)

Dear Parents,

This will be a short week! No homework!
Check out what we're doing this week:
R/W:  Sentence structure: Combination of two simple sentences to create complex sentences. Use of writing using graphic organizers. Personal narrative. Fairy Tales.
SPELLING:  No spelling test!
READ ALOUD:  Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl.
MATH:  Use of tens and ones to show a given number.
SOCIAL STUDIES:  Wrap up our unit. Jeopardy game.

As part of the festivities for our Independence Day Celebration on Tuesday, September 13th, we will be having a Pot Luck Snack on Tuesday.  We are asking each child to bring a typical Honduran breakfast/ snack food to share with his/her classmates. Please bring enough for 15 students and send this with your child in the morning as you drop them off.  Do not bring a snack or lunch since we will be eating our Honduran typical food on this day!!
We are also encouraging children to wear “Honduran” clothes on Tuesday. This may be a typical Honduran outfit (traje tipico), the National Soccer team sports outfit, any creative dress up that is representative of Honduras, or simply blue and white clothes.
Sept. 14-16    Holiday – (Independence Day)
Sept. 19         Progress Reports go home
Sept. 20-30    MAP  Testing
Ms. Muriel Chávez & Ms. Elena Borjas

Monday, September 5, 2011

NEWSLETTER (Sept. 5 - 9)

Dear Parents,
We hope everyone had a great weekend! 
Here are some things that we will be working on this week: 

R/W:  Assessments in Reading continue. Review of basic sentence structure and beginning process of writing using graphic organizers. Personal narrative. Fairy Tales. 
SPELLING:  Short /k/. Spelling centers. Spelling test on Friday! 

READ ALOUD:  Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl.

MATH:  Addition and subtraction word problems. Math Test Thursday.
SOCIAL STUDIES:  Community workers. Good leaders and values: compassion, honesty, respect, courage. Civics life, politics, and government. Neighborhood citizenship.
       Sept. 13         Independence Day (Half Day)
       Sept. 14-16    Holiday – (Independence Day)
        Sept. 19         Progress Reports go home
        Sept. 20-30    MAP  Testing

As part of the festivities for our Independence Day Celebration on Tuesday September 13th, we will be having a Pot Luck Snack on Tuesday September 13. We are asking each child to bring a typical Honduran breakfast/ snack food to share with 5 classmates. Please contact your child's homeroom teacher to let them know what you will be sending in order to avoid repeats of the same food or drinks.

We are also encouraging children to wear “Honduran” clothes on this day. This may be a typical Honduran outfit (traje tipico), the National Soccer team sports outfit, any creative dress up that is representative of Honduras, or simply blue and white clothes. 

Thanks for everything and have a great week!
 Ms. Muriel Chávez & Ms. Elena Borjas