"The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires."
~William Arthur Ward

Sunday, September 18, 2011

NEWSLETTER Sept. 19 - 23

Dear Parents,

We hope you had a wonderful time with family and friends!

This is what we will be learning about this week:  

MATH: Place value. Read and write number words, compare numbers using greater than, less than, equal to symbols (>, <, =), use a number line to determine the closest number to ten. 

THEME: We will begin our SCIENCE unit on CHANGES. 

SPELLING:  The /nd/ and /st/ sounds. Spelling test on Friday.

R/W:  Continue unit on Traditional Literature.  Ss will learn the different parts of a sentence (subject, action, etc) and continue writing their Fictional Narratives.

Horton hears a Who by Dr. Seuss. We are going to watch the movie during our library time. 

READ ALOUD: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory  by Roald Dahl. 


MIDTERM PROGRESS REPORTS will be sent home on Monday September 20th. Please make sure you sign and return them to school as soon as possible. If a conference was not asked for, and you would like to have one, please call or email us at your earliest convenience.

MAP TESTING begins this Tuesday. The testing days for 2nd grade are Tuesday September 20th, Tuesday September 27th and Wednesday September 28th. Please try NOT to be absent on those days!

AFTER SCHOOL ACTIVITIES begin on Tuesday September 20th.  Please make sure you pick your child promptly at 4:00 p.m.

B-DAY CELEBRATION On Tuesday, September 20th, we will be celebrating Cesia Aleman's birthday!  Cesia's parents will bring pizza and cake for all second grade, as we join Cesia on this very special day.  Please do not bring lunch on this day, only a snack. 

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