"The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires."
~William Arthur Ward


SUBJECT: Reading
FIELD TRIP:  Metromedia 
To promote students’ curiosity of books by having them visit a local bookstore. A story is going to be read aloud and then a guided tour of the store is given so that the students see different types of books.

MOVIE: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
We will do a read aloud and then compare and contrast the old movie with the book.

SUBJECT:  Social Studies/Changes
FIELD TRIP: Museo para la Identidad Nacional
To observe the changes in the Honduran history and how things have improved within our society as in the use of technology in our daily lives.

MOVIE: Little House on the Prairie
Study changes throughout time.

SUBJECT: Science/Study of Soils
FIELD TRIP:  El Zamorano Greenhouse
Soils--Observe and gather information about earthworms, different types of soils, and hands-on activities organized with the Zamorano students and teachers.

BOOKS:  Flat Stanley and George’s Marvelous Medicine
We will do a read aloud; then an activity project with a school from another country. 

SUBJECT: Social Studies/Economics
FIELD TRIP: In-School Pool Party 
A compliment party for their accomplishments in 2nd grade.

SUBJECT: Reading
MOVIE:  Fantastic Mr. Fox 
Compare and contrast the book and the movie.

*Movies shown for the compliment party will be in accordance to their age level. Last year, 2nd grade watched Avatar and Rio. You will be informed by the end of the school year about the movie to be seen then.