"The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires."
~William Arthur Ward

Friday, November 11, 2011

NEWSLETTER November 14-17,2011

NEWSLETTER      November 14-17, 2011

The Thanksgiving Committee is preparing for our lunch on Wednesday 23! More information will be sent home.

This week we will cover the following:

SPELLING: Patterns for /a/. Spelling test on Thursday!

MATH: Solve problems involving addition by using data from a table. Estimation of a sum as a multiple of 10, regrouping when subtracting.

R/W: Create a Venn Diagram to compare characters. Make a lap foldable notebook. Writing journals. Nouns (proper and common nouns).

SCIENCE: Placing objects in serial order, balancing with unifix cubes, graphing the weights of objects, describe the properties of four different foods.


November 16           Thanksgiving face-in-hole picture day

November 17           Midterm

November 18-19     Teacher’s Workshop (No school for students)

November 23          Progress reports go home / Thanksgiving Lunch

November 24-25 Thanksgiving Holiday!

Have a nice week!

Ms. Muriel Chávez and Ms. Elena Borjas

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