"The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires."
~William Arthur Ward

Monday, September 5, 2011

NEWSLETTER (Sept. 5 - 9)

Dear Parents,
We hope everyone had a great weekend! 
Here are some things that we will be working on this week: 

R/W:  Assessments in Reading continue. Review of basic sentence structure and beginning process of writing using graphic organizers. Personal narrative. Fairy Tales. 
SPELLING:  Short /k/. Spelling centers. Spelling test on Friday! 

READ ALOUD:  Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl.

MATH:  Addition and subtraction word problems. Math Test Thursday.
SOCIAL STUDIES:  Community workers. Good leaders and values: compassion, honesty, respect, courage. Civics life, politics, and government. Neighborhood citizenship.
       Sept. 13         Independence Day (Half Day)
       Sept. 14-16    Holiday – (Independence Day)
        Sept. 19         Progress Reports go home
        Sept. 20-30    MAP  Testing

As part of the festivities for our Independence Day Celebration on Tuesday September 13th, we will be having a Pot Luck Snack on Tuesday September 13. We are asking each child to bring a typical Honduran breakfast/ snack food to share with 5 classmates. Please contact your child's homeroom teacher to let them know what you will be sending in order to avoid repeats of the same food or drinks.

We are also encouraging children to wear “Honduran” clothes on this day. This may be a typical Honduran outfit (traje tipico), the National Soccer team sports outfit, any creative dress up that is representative of Honduras, or simply blue and white clothes. 

Thanks for everything and have a great week!
 Ms. Muriel Chávez & Ms. Elena Borjas

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