"The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires."
~William Arthur Ward

Monday, October 10, 2011


Dear Parents,
Get ready for the bundle of activities coming up these next few weeks!

Check out what we'll be working on this week:

READ ALOUD:  Charlie and the Chocolate Factory  by Roald Dahl

READING: Our students reallly enjoyed working in our reading centers last week! It gave them an opportunity to practice previously learned reading skills.  More to come in the near future!! 
We have finally reached the end of our Traditional Literature genre unit and will be starting with our Fantasy unit this week. The students will begin a study on Charcterization, where they will analyze characters by identifying their role in a story, their physical attributes, and the character's personality; they will be using a Venn Diagram to compare their character with another one.  Students will also make use of their Prior Knowledge to help them understand a specific text better.

WRITING:   Have your envelopes and stamps ready students, cause it's Letter Writing time!  This week, we begin our Friendly Letter unit.  Students will learn the different parts that make up a friendly letter and write several letters to the people of their choice.  At the end of this unit, students will choose their best letter and mail it for real!  During this unit, we will be focusing on Sentence Fluency and Sentence Structure.  Students will use different sentence structures to help their letters sound great when read aloud! 

SPELLING: Patterns for gr,dr and tr. Test on Friday.  

MATH: Addition with doubles and 3 addends. Writing number sentences. 

SCIENCE:  Use of chromatography to separate ink into its component colors. Substance.



GENERAL ASSEMBLY Our Genereal Assembly will be this Thursday October 13th at 6:00 p.m. Please try to come! 

HOLIDAY  Monday October 17th 

Next Friday October 21st is Student Led Conferences / Report Card Day. There will be no classes on this day, but parents need to come with their 2nd grader for the conference. Times for appointments will be sent out soon.



Parents, don't forget to check out the "Home-School Connection" link!  It's got so many great activities and websites to help reinforce concepts taught in school!  

Have a wonderful week!

Mrs. Elena & Ms. Muriel 

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