"The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires."
~William Arthur Ward

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Newsletter October 31- November 4, 2011

NEWSLETTER October 31-November 4, 2011

A back to normal week!

This week we will cover the following:

SPELLING: Patterns for gl, bl and pl. Spelling test on Friday!

MATH: Numeric patterns. Find the missing part of 100. Look back and check strategy.

R/W: Continue reading fantasy books. Analyze the role of the characters in a story. Create a character role web. Model D.E.A.R. (D.E.A.R= Drop Everything And Read).Continue with our writing journals.

SCIENCE: We will begin our Science Unit on BALANCING AND WEIGHING. Balance an object and explore the interaction between weight and distance using unifix cubes, beams and fulcrums.



Thanks to all of our second grade chaperones: Ms.Chibonga, Ms. Navarro, Ms. Ventura and Ms.Garcia for accompanying us last Thursday on our fieldtrip to Metromedia.


All parents are cordially invited to see our second graders present their book characters to their Reading Buddies. We are planning to start from 8:25 a.m.– 8:50 a.m. This is an excellent opportunity for them to practice their oral skills and talk about the elements of a story.

The Book Character Committee wants to celebrate lunch with our second grade book characters. They asked for a Lps.70.00 contribution for this activity. Please send them with your child inside their Take Home Folder no later than today.


The school Cafeteria wants to invite all the Elementary Parents to come and have lunch with their child(ren) on Friday, November 4. On this day, the Adult size meal will be offered for the children size price! You can order lasagna or pizza from the cafeteria. Please contact Ms. Marta Bandes.

Have a nice week!

Ms. Muriel Chávez and Ms. Elena Borjas

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