"The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires."
~William Arthur Ward

Sunday, May 6, 2012

NEWSLETTER MAY 7 - 11, 2012

Dear Parents,

Here's what's going on this week:

SPELLING: The /ou / Sound

MATH:  We continue with our unit of Measurement by focusing on measuring capacity and volume.   

R/W: Students' mystery stories are almost finished and ready for our Author's Share Chair on Thursday!   On that day (Friday11th), students must come dressed as detectives to share their published mysteries!

READ ALOUD:  Fantastic Mr. Fox by Roald Dahl

SCIENCE: Students begin a new science unit this week.  They will begin to study the Life Cycle of Butterflies! 

DOL (Daily Oral Language): Self correct sentences.


MAP TESTING – MAP testing begins this Tuesday 8th.  You can practice the various MAP skills by asking your child to play the online MAP reading and math games.  They can be found under the "Links" heading at the end of this newsletter.

2nd Grade MAP Schedule for Tuesday:
2nd A (11:40 - 12:55)
2nd B (1:15 - 2:30) 

MID TERM / PROGRESS REPORTS – Please send the signed Mid Term reports this week.

2nd GRADE COMPLIMENT PARTY!!– The Compliment Party has been scheduled for this Thursday 10th!  That day will be a day full of fun!  Students should not bring breakfast or lunch on that day.  A Burger King breakfast will be provided by the teachers, and there will be pizzas for lunch!  On that day, students are allowed to come with their pijamas on, they should all bring a pillow, and are allowed to bring video games.  They must also bring on a separate bag their bathing suits, towel and anything else they deem necessary for the water games (waterguns, etc)!  During the afternoon, they will enjoy a movie and popcorn.

FRANCESCA's FAREWELL PARTY – On Friday, May 18th, 2012, Francesca will be inviting all second grade to pizza, drinks and cupcakes.  This will be a Farewell party for Francesca as she's leaving Honduras on Saturday.  On that day, students should bring no lunch.  

GENERAL ASSEMBLY – The General Assembly of parents has been postponed to Thursday, May 17, 2012.  The summons will be sent electronically and by hard copy to all parents.  We need a quorum of 33% of our parents in order to have a legal meeting.  During the meeting, members will vote on the budget and calendar for next year, as well as electing Board members for the next two years.  We hope to see you there!    

ENROLLMENT DRIVE BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! –The Enrollment Drive has begun again!  Information was emailed to all parents last Friday and more will be explained at the General Assembly on May 17.  

DISCOVERY ZONE SUMMER CAMP – Our school's Summer Camp this year will run from June 9 to June 29.     

FROM THE CAFETERIA - ELEMENTARY PARENT LUNCHEON Our school cafeteria will be hosting the second student and parent luncheon soon.  Flyers with menus will be going home with your children this week.  Please return with payment -exact change is prefereed- by Monday 7.  The latest date the cafeteria will take orders is Wednesday 9 as the staff needs to prepare and have all ingredients on hand to ensure food for everyone.  Students love to spend time with their parents at school, and this is a good opportunity to share lunch with them.  Parent involvement helps children perform better academically and behaviorally.   

MAP Reading
Giggle Poetry- funny poetry for children
MAP Math
IXL-various math skills activities
Fun Brain- various math games
National Geographics for Kids
Science Kids 

Have a nice week! 
Mrs. Elena & Ms. Muriel

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