"The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires."
~William Arthur Ward

Monday, May 21, 2012

NEWSLETTER MAY 21 - 25 , 2012

Dear Parents,

Here's what's going on this week:

SPELLING: Number Words.

MATH:  We finish off our unit of Probability this week.  Students have really enjoyed this unit by predicting outcomes, collecting and analyzing data.  The unit culminates this Wednesday with a Chapter Test. 

R/W: Students will learn about Adjectives, read and discuss books in their reading level book clubs, and begin prewriting for a How-to Essay.

READ ALOUD:  Fantastic Mr. Fox by Roald Dahl

SCIENCE: The students are really enjoying the Butterfly Unit.  This week we will study about the predators that hunt butterflies and the defense mechanisms butterflies use to protect themselves.  There will also be a quick review of the anatomy of the butterfly by integrating the curriculum through butterfly math problems.
(Daily Oral Language): Self correct sentences.


GENERAL ASSEMBLY – The second summons for the Spring General Assembly has been issued.  The General Assembly will take place this Thursday, May 24.  In it, our school community will be voting for the budget and calendar for the coming school year and electing Board members for the next two school years.  Please come and support our school by being a part of these important decisions that affect all of us.  We hope to see you there!

DANCING WITH THE 2nd GRADE STARS! – Our Second graders have been preparing a special show for all of you parents. The show will take place this Friday, May 25 at 2:30 in the Cafeteria Area.  

ENROLLMENT DRIVE BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! –The Enrollment Drive has begun again!  Information was emailed to all parents last Friday and more will be explained at the General Assembly on May 17.  

DISCOVERY ZONE SUMMER CAMP – Our school's Summer Camp this year will run from June 9 to June 29.       

MAP Reading
Giggle Poetry- funny poetry for children
MAP Math
IXL-various math skills activities
Fun Brain- various math games
National Geographics for Kids
Science Kids 

Have a nice week! 
Mrs. Elena & Ms. Muriel

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