"The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires."
~William Arthur Ward

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Dear Parents,
We hope you enjoyed the long weekend.  
Here's what's going on this week:

SPELLING: No more Spelling Lists for the rest of the year!!

MATH:  This week, students will begin reviewing concepts previously learned this year and getting ready for 3rd grade!  We recommend you review with them at home by playing some of the games that are the Links heading at the bottom of this page.  A short cumulative review test will be given next Monday.

R/W: Students continue learning about Adjectives and writing a "How-To Essay".

READ ALOUD:  Fantastic Mr. Fox by Roald Dahl

SCIENCE: The students are really enjoying the Butterfly Unit.  This week we will learn about the  differences between butterflies and moths; students will be able to identify each by observing their characteristics.  Students will learn about butterfly symmetry and creating a symmetrical  pattern for the butterfly's wings.  The unit will culminate this Friday with a quick game of all we've learned! 
DOL (Daily Oral Language): Self correct sentences.


RESULTS FROM THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY – What a wonderful General Assembly last Thursday!  Thanks so much to all of the parents and teachers who came to participate and exercise their right to vote.  It was a true celebration of who we are as a school community--where everyone had the opportunity to express their opinions and come together on decisions for the good of the students.  We approved the budget and school calendar, and elected 4 new members to our Board of Directors: Amanda Miller, Chris Mueller, Robert Myers, and Evy Williams.  Our sincere appreciation and thanks to the out-going Board members: Bryan Dwyer, Nina Glynn, Juan Sheenan, and Mark Wheeler for their hard work and dedication to the school.

THANKS TO THE DPTO – Thanks to the DPTO for a delicious lunch for our staff last Friday, to commemorate Teacher Appreciation Week.  We also want to thank Sandra Noguera, Carolina Villareal, Maikel Ryan and Eduardo Retes for their hard work this school year as our DPTO officers.  We are looking forward to our continuous work with the new DPTO officers for the 2012-2013 school year: Alexanderia Haidara, Yessika Palma and Ninoska Abate. 

SHORT DAY WEDNESDAY – This Wednesday is an early dismissal day for our students. 

DPTO GARAGE SALE –The DPTO would like to invite all our community to their annual GARAGE SALE which will take place on Saturday, June 2, beginning at 9:00 a.m.  If you are interested in a table, please contact Maikel Ryan or Carolina Villareal.  

CHOIR FUNDRAISING END-OF-THE-YEAR CARNIVAL –The Choir Parents are organizing and end-of-the-year Carnival and Bingo for Saturday, June 9, from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the school.  There will be games, food, and of course the exciting Bingo.  Please come and celebrate the end of the school year with our family and friends while supporting the Choir in their last effort to raise funds for their upcoming San Francisco trip in July. 

ENROLLMENT DRIVE BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! –The Enrollment Drive is on!  The best PR you can give the school is by recommending us to your family, friends and colleagues.  If you need more information about the drive, please see Paola for a copy of the guidelines. 

DISCOVERY ZONE SUMMER CAMP – Our school's Summer Camp this year will run from June 11 to June 29.       

MAP Reading
Giggle Poetry- funny poetry for children
MAP Math
IXL-various math skills activities
Fun Brain- various math games
National Geographics for Kids
Science Kids 

Have a nice week! 
Mrs. Elena & Ms. Muriel

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