"The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires."
~William Arthur Ward

Saturday, March 24, 2012


NEWSLETTER WEEK: March 26 - 30, 2012

One more week for Easter Break!

This is what we will cover this week: 

SPELLING: Family Words (Family Relationships).  Spelling test Friday! 

MATH: Multiplication & Division.

R/W: Students begin to study the genre of Mystery and work as detectives to solve different cases.  Review Nouns & Verbs. 

SOCIAL STUDIES: Students begin their Economics Unit by Classifying Wants & Needs.

DOL (Daily Oral Language): Self correct sentences.

FLAT STANLEY PROJECTOur Flat friends fly to the U.S.A. THIS week!


PLEASE REMEMBER Wednesday is an early dismissal day for the students at 11:45 a.m. - Professional Development Wednesday for teachers. 

Please send the Report Card envelopes signed as soon as you can. If a parent would like to set up a time to meet for a conference, please let us know this week.

Ms. Amy Robertson has kindly offered to host this celebration.
The Easter Committee: Mr.Lucas and Lily Liu,  Katya, Elmy, Francis, Deborah and Amy  have planned lots of wonderful surprises for the children. 

Students need to  bring at least (10) ten clean unbroken egg shells, by Tuesday 27th at the latest. The way to do this is by opening two small holes on each end of the egg and then blow through one of the ends to empty it. Do not boil the eggs.  The eggs will be painted in class for an egg hunt and sent to Ms. Amy Robertson on Wednesday. 

On that day students will create a traditional sawdust carpet, have lunch together and play water games. Please have your child bring their swimming suit, towel and insect repellent.

The children will be leaving from school at 9:45 a.m. The activity is likely to last until 2:30 p.m. You can pick your child at Amy’s house or if your child needs transportation on the way back, Ms. Amy will gladly give your child a ride back to school.

The Committee is asking parents to send money to cover the cost of the sawdust and a portion of the food; the rest will be covered by the families of the Easter Committee. The fees are as follows:

Cost per Student ..................................................Lps.80.00 each
Cost per Parent  ...................................................Lps.45.00 each
Cost per Sibling ....................................................Lps.40.00 each

Parents are welcome to stay and enjoy the day, and those with preschool/nursery siblings are welcome to bring them when they finish at midday! 

Please send in the permission slip signed and the field trip money by Wednesday 28th at the latest.

Please remember that Fridays are SCHOOL PRIDE DAY at Discovery, and we invite our second grade students to use a Discovery School shirt on Fridays to show that we are all proud members of the Discovery School community. The new t-shirts and polos are now on sale in the Finance Office.


"Sometimes we feel good, and sometimes we feel bad. Both kinds of feelings are normal. Of course, we all enjoy good feelings. But when we don't like the way we are feeling, sometimes we don't know what to do about it." 
--"Dealing With Feelings," 
by Dr. Eric Dlugokinski

Our school guidance counselor, Mrs. Ivonne Casco, has begun to meet with our 2nd graders to talk about how fear and other feelings are normal, and that appropriate sharing of our feelings is healthy.  Your child is involved in learning-activities designed to develop good character and empower them to make good choices for themselves. 

Here are some things you can do at home to support the lessons: 
  • Ask your child to tell you about the weekly lessons and what he or she learned from it. 
  • When your child behaves emotionally, don't overreact. Your calmness is the best model. When your child calms down, talk about the feelings and discuss appropriate ways of dealing with them.
  • Affirm to your child that strong feelings are normal, that we all have them and must learn to deal with them. It is part of growing up.
  • Encourage new or unfamiliar activities. Confidence is a product of successful experiences; applaud the little victories.

ARRIVAL TO SCHOOL – We would like to remind all parents and students that the first bell rings at 7:55 a.m. The second bell rings at 8:00 a.m. By this time, all students should be in their classrooms ready for instructions. If your child is late, he/she misses important information and disrupts the rest of his/her classmates.

EASTER/SPRING BREAKSpring Break is just around the corner!  No classes from April 2 - 10.  Classes will resume on Wednesday, April 11th.  Enjoy a well deserved vacation time! 

Have a nice week!

Ms. Muriel & Ms. Elena Borjas









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