"The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires."
~William Arthur Ward

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Newsletter March 5-9, 2012

NEWSLETTER WEEK: March 5-9, 2012

Here we are March!

This is what we will cover this week:

SPELLING: The SL and SP sound. Spelling test Friday!

MATH: Review of time and different types of charts. Math Test Thursday.

R/W: Poetry. Artistic Response Project: Painting of a text. Journaling. Synonyms and antonyms.

READ ALOUD: Flat Stanley  by James Brown.

SOCIAL STUDIES: Construct a map and present it. Landforms.

DOL (Daily Oral Language): Self correct sentences.



Individual student and class pictures will be taken this Tuesday, March 6 and Wednesday, March 7  in the following schedules:

2-A      2:10 – 3:00 p.m.          Tuesday, March 6
            2-B      8:00 – 8:50 a.m.          Wednesday, March 7

Please have your child wear a colorful shirt or dress.

March 15  End of the Third Quarter and 2nd GRADE FIELDTRIP –  Finca Loma Linda, located  between km8-9, Santa Lucia.

 The contribution to cover for fuel expenses and entrance fee is Lps.50.00. Any parent who is willing to come along is more than welcome as long as he or she provides for his or her own transportation. Parents don’t need to pay anything. Every child is to ride the school bus.
Please have your child wear their Discovery School shirt.

We plan to leave school at 8:30 a.m. and be back before 11:30 a.m. We want to thank all those parents who have already signed up for this activity: Ms.Yolinda ZĂșniga, Mary Ann Seday, Deborah Chibonga, Amy Robertson and Emelie Weitnauer.

March 16  Holiday- No School

March 23  Half Day- Conferences

** ARRIVAL TO SCHOOL - We would like to remind all parents and students that the first bell rings at 7:55 a.m. The second bell rings at 8:00 a.m. By this time, all students should be in their classrooms ready for instructions. If your child is late, he/she misses important information and disrupts the rest of his classmates.

Have a wonderful week!

Ms. Muriel & Ms. Elena

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