"The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires."
~William Arthur Ward

Monday, February 20, 2012

Newsletter February 21-24, 2012

NEWSLETTER WEEK: February 21-24, 2012

We hope you had a wonderful holiday!

This is what we will cover this week:

SPELLING: The /er/ sound. Spelling test Friday!

MATH: Graphs.

R/W: Poetry: Different type of poems. Reading Comprehension Strategy: Visualizing

READ ALOUD: Flat Stanley  by Jeff Brown  

SOCIAL STUDIES:  Maps, globes, geographic tools, physical characteristics of a place.

DOL (Daily Oral Language): Self correct sentences.


CHOIR PERFORMANCE THIS WEEKEND – Our choir will be showcased on Saturday, February 25, at 3:30 p.m. in the Orgullosamente Catrachas Fair which will take place in Nova Center. It is a great opportunity to support our choir as they strive to get sponsors for their San Francisco trip. This fair is also a great outing to support local small businesses of Honduran women.

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT WEDNESDAY – There is an early dismissal next Wednesday, February 29. Students will be dismissed at 11:45 a.m.

DPTO MOVIE NIGHT – The DPTO is putting together the tradional Movie Night, and it has been scheduled for Friday, March 2.

2nd GRADE FIELDTRIP – Due to internal regulation changes at Escuela AgrĂ­cola Panamericana, El Zamorano, the 2nd grade fieldtrip scheduled for this week has been cancelled. The children will instead be visiting another farm, Finca Loma Linda, located  between km8-9, Santa Lucia on March 15. 
We want to thank all those parents who have already signed up for this activity: Ms. Sandra Noguera, Yolinda ZĂșniga, Mary Ann Seday, Deborah Chibonga, Amy Robertson and Emelie Weitnauer.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Have a nice week!

Ms. Muriel & Ms. Elena 

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