"The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires."
~William Arthur Ward

Saturday, September 24, 2011


Dear Parents,
It is almost October and we have many enriching activities for the children!

This is what we will be learning about this week:  

MATH: Even and odd numbers, ordinal numbers, skip counting patterns.

SCIENCE: CHANGES Solids and  liquids.

SPELLING:  The /e/ sound. Spelling test on Friday.

R/W:  Continue unit on Traditional Literature.  Students will learn the different parts of a sentence (subject, action, etc) and continue writing their Fictional Narratives. We will start our reading learning centers. Journaling.

READ ALOUD: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory  by Roald Dahl. 

READING BUDDIES:  What a blast! 5th graders and 2nd graders are enjoying our reading sessions that include getting to know each other and interview their reading buddies for a taste of their favorite books.


MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) TEST  continues on September 27th and Wednesday September 28th. Please try NOT to be absent on those days! MAP tests are computerized adaptive assessments that provide information to meet your child´s needs. The areas evaluated are Reading, Math and Language usage. If you have any questions feel free to contact us.

B-DAY CELEBRATION  Ritza Padilla is inviting all of the second grade students to her birthday party that will be held on Friday, September 30th during our lunch period time. The children will be having pizza, cake and juice.  Only send a snack for your child.

Parents, don't forget to check out the "Home-School Connection" link!  It's got so many great activities and websites to help reinforce concepts taught in school!  

Have a wonderful HOLIDAY!

Ms. Muriel and Ms. Elena 

Sunday, September 18, 2011

NEWSLETTER Sept. 19 - 23

Dear Parents,

We hope you had a wonderful time with family and friends!

This is what we will be learning about this week:  

MATH: Place value. Read and write number words, compare numbers using greater than, less than, equal to symbols (>, <, =), use a number line to determine the closest number to ten. 

THEME: We will begin our SCIENCE unit on CHANGES. 

SPELLING:  The /nd/ and /st/ sounds. Spelling test on Friday.

R/W:  Continue unit on Traditional Literature.  Ss will learn the different parts of a sentence (subject, action, etc) and continue writing their Fictional Narratives.

Horton hears a Who by Dr. Seuss. We are going to watch the movie during our library time. 

READ ALOUD: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory  by Roald Dahl. 


MIDTERM PROGRESS REPORTS will be sent home on Monday September 20th. Please make sure you sign and return them to school as soon as possible. If a conference was not asked for, and you would like to have one, please call or email us at your earliest convenience.

MAP TESTING begins this Tuesday. The testing days for 2nd grade are Tuesday September 20th, Tuesday September 27th and Wednesday September 28th. Please try NOT to be absent on those days!

AFTER SCHOOL ACTIVITIES begin on Tuesday September 20th.  Please make sure you pick your child promptly at 4:00 p.m.

B-DAY CELEBRATION On Tuesday, September 20th, we will be celebrating Cesia Aleman's birthday!  Cesia's parents will bring pizza and cake for all second grade, as we join Cesia on this very special day.  Please do not bring lunch on this day, only a snack. 

Friday, September 9, 2011

NEWSLETTER (Sept. 12 -13)

Dear Parents,

This will be a short week! No homework!
Check out what we're doing this week:
R/W:  Sentence structure: Combination of two simple sentences to create complex sentences. Use of writing using graphic organizers. Personal narrative. Fairy Tales.
SPELLING:  No spelling test!
READ ALOUD:  Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl.
MATH:  Use of tens and ones to show a given number.
SOCIAL STUDIES:  Wrap up our unit. Jeopardy game.

As part of the festivities for our Independence Day Celebration on Tuesday, September 13th, we will be having a Pot Luck Snack on Tuesday.  We are asking each child to bring a typical Honduran breakfast/ snack food to share with his/her classmates. Please bring enough for 15 students and send this with your child in the morning as you drop them off.  Do not bring a snack or lunch since we will be eating our Honduran typical food on this day!!
We are also encouraging children to wear “Honduran” clothes on Tuesday. This may be a typical Honduran outfit (traje tipico), the National Soccer team sports outfit, any creative dress up that is representative of Honduras, or simply blue and white clothes.
Sept. 14-16    Holiday – (Independence Day)
Sept. 19         Progress Reports go home
Sept. 20-30    MAP  Testing
Ms. Muriel Chávez & Ms. Elena Borjas

Monday, September 5, 2011

NEWSLETTER (Sept. 5 - 9)

Dear Parents,
We hope everyone had a great weekend! 
Here are some things that we will be working on this week: 

R/W:  Assessments in Reading continue. Review of basic sentence structure and beginning process of writing using graphic organizers. Personal narrative. Fairy Tales. 
SPELLING:  Short /k/. Spelling centers. Spelling test on Friday! 

READ ALOUD:  Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl.

MATH:  Addition and subtraction word problems. Math Test Thursday.
SOCIAL STUDIES:  Community workers. Good leaders and values: compassion, honesty, respect, courage. Civics life, politics, and government. Neighborhood citizenship.
       Sept. 13         Independence Day (Half Day)
       Sept. 14-16    Holiday – (Independence Day)
        Sept. 19         Progress Reports go home
        Sept. 20-30    MAP  Testing

As part of the festivities for our Independence Day Celebration on Tuesday September 13th, we will be having a Pot Luck Snack on Tuesday September 13. We are asking each child to bring a typical Honduran breakfast/ snack food to share with 5 classmates. Please contact your child's homeroom teacher to let them know what you will be sending in order to avoid repeats of the same food or drinks.

We are also encouraging children to wear “Honduran” clothes on this day. This may be a typical Honduran outfit (traje tipico), the National Soccer team sports outfit, any creative dress up that is representative of Honduras, or simply blue and white clothes. 

Thanks for everything and have a great week!
 Ms. Muriel Chávez & Ms. Elena Borjas