"The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires."
~William Arthur Ward

Monday, April 16, 2012

NEWSLETTER WEEK: April 16 - 20, 2012
After a Short week due to Semana Santa holiday, we get back into the regular swing of things.

Lots of fun stuff going on this week:

SPELLING: The /oo/ Sound.  Spelling Test on Friday. 

MATH:  Multiplication & Division Test on Tuesday.  Afterwards, we begin our unit on Measurement; students will measure the lengths and heights of objects using standard and non-standard units, inches, feet, and yards.

R/W: We are continuing with our study of the Mystery genre as students gather into their Reading Detective Clubs to solve different cases.  This week, the students will write the draft for their mystery story, with a focus on using quotation marks.
SOCIAL STUDIES: Students continue their Economics Unit by understanding and applying the concepts of supply and demand.  On Friday, students will create a toy that has a special feature that will make cutomers want to buy it.  They will also design an advertisement for their product!

DOL (Daily Oral Language): Self correct sentences.


ARRIVAL TO SCHOOL – We would like to remind all parents and students that the first bell rings at 7:55 a.m. The second bell rings at 8:00 a.m. By this time, all students should be in their classrooms ready for instructions. If your child is late, he/she misses important information and disrupts the rest of his/her classmates. 

"Sometimes we feel good, and sometimes we feel bad. Both kinds of feelings are normal. Of course, we all enjoy good feelings. But when we don't like the way we are feeling, sometimes we don't know what to do about it." 
--"Dealing With Feelings," 
by Dr. Eric Dlugokinski

Our school guidance counselor, Mrs. Ivonne Casco, has begun to meet with our 2nd graders to talk about how fear and other feelings are normal, and that appropriate sharing of our feelings is healthy.  Your child is involved in learning-activities designed to develop good character and empower them to make good choices for themselves. 

Here are some things you can do at home to support the lessons: 
  • Ask your child to tell you about the weekly lessons and what he or she learned from it. 
  • When your child behaves emotionally, don't overreact. Your calmness is the best model. When your child calms down, talk about the feelings and discuss appropriate ways of dealing with them.
  • Affirm to your child that strong feelings are normal, that we all have them and must learn to deal with them. It is part of growing up.
  • Encourage new or unfamiliar activities. Confidence is a product of successful experiences; applaud the little victories.

SUCCESSFUL DPTO SPONSORED DENTAL HYGIENE TALK FOR ELEMENTARY – Our DPTO hosted Dental Hygene talks for our elementary students last Frida, April 13.  After watching a video and reviewing some charts with "Dr. Muelitas" each student received a small bag which included a tooth brush, a small toothpaste and a small soap.  Our young ones have been encouraged to brush their teeth at school after lunch and to maintain sound hygene habits! Thanks to the DPTO officers who made this happen!  

NEW DISCOVERY SCHOOL T-SHIRTS & POLOS The new "Home of the Wolves" t-shirts and polos are now available for purchase in our Finance office.  T-shirts are sold for $7 (L140) and polos for $13 (L250).  With every shirt sold, we are contributing to the Choir in their effort to raise funds for their San Francisco trip this summer.  Let's pitch in and build our school pride by wearing the Discovery School shirt on Friday!

AFTER SCHOOL ACTIVITIES After School Activities will be starting THIS week!

EARTH DAY CELEBRATION The tenth grade, Environmental Science students will be hosting the Earth Day celebration on Friday, April 20th during snack time.  There will be activities to teach our students how to conserve resources, thereby protecting our planet.  

DISCOVERY SCHOOL WEEK OF THE ARTS – The Discovery School week of the Arts will begin next week!  A whole week dedicated to the wonderful artists at Discovery School!  Join us!
Here is the schedule for the week:
        Monday - Wednesday    Selected Readings by Students and Staff at the Cafeteria (During Break and  Lunch Time)
        Thursday 3:15 - 5:00   Visual Arts Exhibit Open until Friday 7:00  p.m.
        Friday 7:00 p.m.    "Chronicles of Discovery Gala" Presentation of the Chronicles Awards 
Semi Formal Dress - Gentlemen, Suit and Tie
Reserve your tickets now with Carolina (Receptionist)!
Adults Lps. 200; Students Lps. 100

DPTO FAMILY NIGHT The DPTO annual Family Night, JUNGLE NIGHT 2012, will take place on Friday, April 20.  Teachers will be hosting games from 5:00-6:00 p.m.  There will be other activities happening from 6:00-7:00 p.m. and a Choir Sponsored BINGO from 7:00-8:00 p.m. 

Family Fun Fishing!
This year the art room will be open for family art making.  Please come with your children and join the fun!  The result will be an art work that every member of the family has contributed to.  We will be experimenting with Gyotaku fish prints and other printing techniques.  (Allow 10-20 minutes.)  See you Friday night for Art FUN with Mrs. Campbell!

DRESS CODE Reminder to all parents and requesting support in this matter:  All students should be appropriate dressed in a manner that promotes academic seriousness.  The following is NOT ACCEPTABLE, among others (please refer to the Parent/Student Handbook, page 30 and 31):
  • Drug, alcohol or tobacco related cltohing, jewelry or paraphernalia
  • Clothing promoting sex, racism, violence or profanity
  • Clothing which, because of its briefness or tightness of fit is deemed distracting to the academic atmosphere
  • Strapless tops or tops with either shoulder bare
  • Shower-type flip-flops
  • Shorts or skirts that are shorter than mid-thigh
The school stresses the avoidance of extremes and reserves the right to request a student to change into more appropriate attire or call home to acquire more suitable dress.

Have a nice week! 
Mrs. Elena & Ms. Muriel

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