"The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires."
~William Arthur Ward

Saturday, August 20, 2011

NEWSLETTER (Aug. 22 - 26)

Dear Parents,

It was so great to see all of you at the Open House! We enjoyed speaking and sharing our class expectations with you. Thanks to all the parents who joined us on our fieldtrip last Friday. The children had a wonderful time!

                                                      This week we will be working on:

MATH: Understanding Addition (addition sentences, story problems & comparing groups).

THEME: Social Studies: Communities, citizenship, rules and laws. 

SPELLING: Spelling Patterns of short /i/. (Spelling test on Friday.)

READING: Read Aloud:  Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl. 

Assessments: Reading A-Z - Lexile.
Introduction to the concept of Genres with a focus on Fairy Tales.  Students will use syllables and meaning clues to make predictions and aid comprehension about the content and action of a text.

WRITING:   Students will brainstorm for a Personal Narrative and write their Draft by using complete sentences as complete thoughts.



Annually our Discovery high school environmental science students lead the waste reduction project at our school. There are two events coming up this week to help promote waste reduction in our school:

August 24, 2011—20 minute chat to inform our second graders about our school’s recycling and waste reduction program.  Fun games and activities will show children how they can help Earth be a cleaner and healthier place to live.

August 26, 2011—Eco friendly Lunch
On Thursday August 26th, our high school environmental science students will join our elementary students for lunch.  This is a day to highlight how packing a waste free lunch is easy and keeps our environment safe. For more information you can check: 



WHITEBOARD ERASERS:  We would appreciate if you could send us a pair of old cotton socks for your child to use as white board erasers.  

REIMBURSEMENT MONEY Please do not forget the Lps.1,800 or US$90.00 reimbursement for the purchase of your child’s school supplies.


Have a nice week!

Ms.Muriel Chávez & Ms. Elena Borjas
2nd Grade Team

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