"The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires."
~William Arthur Ward

Sunday, August 28, 2011

NEWSLETTER (Aug. 29 -Sept. 2)

Dear Parents,

We hope everyone had a great weekend! This week we will be working on:

SOCIAL STUDIES:  Citizenship, neighborhood., rural areas, suburb, city, leadership and class community.

READING  AND WRITING:  Assessments. Revise their personal narrative and focus on main idea. Understanding complete sentences. Focus on  decoding  and comprehension strategies. Genre: Fairy tales. Journaling
MATH: How many more? How many fewer? Writing subtraction sentences. Recognize facts that have sums of 10.

SPELLING: Short /o/ and long /o/.  Use of the dictionary. Spelling Test on Friday.
READ ALOUD: Charlie and the chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl


WHITEBOARD ERASERS: We would appreciate if you could send us a pair of old cotton socks for your child to use as white board erasers.

REIMBURSEMENT MONEY: Please do not forget the Lps.1,800 or US$90.00 reimbursement for the purchase of your child’s school supplies.

Thank you and have a nice week!
Ms. Elena & Ms. Muriel

Saturday, August 20, 2011

NEWSLETTER (Aug. 22 - 26)

Dear Parents,

It was so great to see all of you at the Open House! We enjoyed speaking and sharing our class expectations with you. Thanks to all the parents who joined us on our fieldtrip last Friday. The children had a wonderful time!

                                                      This week we will be working on:

MATH: Understanding Addition (addition sentences, story problems & comparing groups).

THEME: Social Studies: Communities, citizenship, rules and laws. 

SPELLING: Spelling Patterns of short /i/. (Spelling test on Friday.)

READING: Read Aloud:  Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl. 

Assessments: Reading A-Z - Lexile.
Introduction to the concept of Genres with a focus on Fairy Tales.  Students will use syllables and meaning clues to make predictions and aid comprehension about the content and action of a text.

WRITING:   Students will brainstorm for a Personal Narrative and write their Draft by using complete sentences as complete thoughts.



Annually our Discovery high school environmental science students lead the waste reduction project at our school. There are two events coming up this week to help promote waste reduction in our school:

August 24, 2011—20 minute chat to inform our second graders about our school’s recycling and waste reduction program.  Fun games and activities will show children how they can help Earth be a cleaner and healthier place to live.

August 26, 2011—Eco friendly Lunch
On Thursday August 26th, our high school environmental science students will join our elementary students for lunch.  This is a day to highlight how packing a waste free lunch is easy and keeps our environment safe. For more information you can check: 



WHITEBOARD ERASERS:  We would appreciate if you could send us a pair of old cotton socks for your child to use as white board erasers.  

REIMBURSEMENT MONEY Please do not forget the Lps.1,800 or US$90.00 reimbursement for the purchase of your child’s school supplies.


Have a nice week!

Ms.Muriel Chávez & Ms. Elena Borjas
2nd Grade Team

Sunday, August 14, 2011

NEWSLETTER (Aug. 15th - 19th)

Dear Parents,

It is already the second week of school!
Here are some things we will be working on this week:

REVIEW: Routines and Procedures.
SOCIAL STUDIES : Establish classroom rules, consequences, rights and rewards.
MATH Review of 1st grade content (addition, subtraction, & patterns).
SPELLING: Short /a/.   Spelling Test on Friday.


As will be the routine for the rest of the year, all of this week’s homework has been sent home inside your child’s take-home folder.  Sheets have been labeled according to the day they are to be completed on.  Please have your child complete the attached worksheets and turn them all in on Friday.  If your child is having trouble completing the homework, he/she is more than welcome to bring it back to school and get help from his/her teacher.                                  

Finally, all 2nd graders are expected to read 15 minutes (or more) per night in addition to their regular homework which is not supposed to last more than 20 minutes per day.  The very best way for your child to become a better reader is to read!  Your child should have a total of 60 minutes read from Monday through Thursday. Make sure he/she keeps track of his/her reading time on the empty clock provided on the homework sheet.

Build reading into your daily routine. For example, if the TV goes off at 8 pm and everybody (including you!) reads, reading will become a regular, expected part of the day. The key is to be consistent.  Some kids need an extra incentive to read; make reading worth their while. Make it a first choice!  Ask your child to either turn off the lights and go to sleep at 8:30 OR read in bed for half an hour.  He-she will CHOOSE to read.  Remember, all reading doesn't have to come out of a book! Give your children many, varied and interesting opportunities to read: recipes, menus, how-to manuals, movie times in the newspaper, etc. Find out what they like, and find reading material about it (books, magazines, websites).  And don’t forget to set the example.  Your children have to see you reading for pleasure. We know that this is not always easy. You have a zillion things to do, and you would much rather wait until those ankle-biters are asleep and read in peace.  Nevertheless, you must put down the laundry or that stack of bills periodically and let your kids see you reading!  Reading is the best homework, and it's what you want your children doing every night!  



Grades K-5th will be visiting the Dinosaur Animatronics Exhibition at Chiminike this week.

Date: Friday August 19th, 2011
Place: CHIMINIKE Interactive Children Museum
Ti me of Departure from school: 8:15 a.m.
Estimated Time of Duration of Fieldtrip: between 1 ½ to 2 hours
Estimated Time of Departure from Chiminike: 10:45 a.m.

Cost of Entrance per child: Lps. 120.00 (this fee includes transportation, the dinosaur 45-minute exhibition and a snack at the Museum)   
Cost of Entrance per adult: Lps. 150.00 (only includes the dinosaur 45-minute exhibition)

We will need  6 chaperones to accompany our 2nd graders. If you can come with us on the fieldtrip, please let us know by Wednesday.  We need to have your answer and entrance fee by Thursday August 18th.

For more information to help you decide if you want your child to be part of this fieldtrip please go to: 

WHITEBOARD ERASERS:  We would appreciate if you could send us a pair of old cotton socks in order for your child to use them as white board erasers.   

REIMBURSEMENT MONEY:  Please do not forget the Lps.1,800 or US$90.00 reimbursement for the purchase of your child’s school supplies.


We are anxious to greet you at the open house on Thursday 18 from 7:30-9:00 a.m.
Thank you and have a nice week!

Ms. Elena & Ms. Muriel
2nd Grade Team

Monday, August 8, 2011


Welcome back to the beginning of a new school year! There is a lot of excitement ahead of us, including new books to read, new friends to meet and new skills to master. We look forward sharing with you those exciting times.

We will make your child feel at home in our comfortable and welcoming classrooms to facilitate a safe and secure feeling to ensure academic progress.

You will receive our classroom newsletter each week to let you know what we will be doing in class and upcoming events.

Please take the time to read all the important information posted in the documents in this blog spot (You can find them on the left side of the screen).

We look forward meeting you on our open house event next Thursday August 18th, from 7:30 to 9:00 a.m.

Ms. Muriel Chávez and Ms. Elena Borjas     

Second Grade Team