"The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires."
~William Arthur Ward

Monday, June 4, 2012


Dear Parents,
Four more days to the end of a great school year!
This will be a short week filled with review from what we've studied during the year. 

READ ALOUD:  Fantastic Mr. Fox by Roald Dahl


ASHLEY's BIRTHDAY –Tomorrow Tuesday, June 5th, Ashley will be inviting her classmates to cupcakes and drinks, so make sure not to pack a snack!

FAREWELL SNACK – On Thursday, June 7th, Mrs. Weitnauer and Mrs. D'lima be treating all second graders to a farewell snack.  Make sure not to pack a snack on that day. 

UNCLAIMED ART SALE – Yes!  It is time for the annual Unclaimed Art Sale!  Parents, if your students have not brought their portfolios home from the art room you may find them up for sale in the art room.  All unclaimed art work will go on sale Monday June 4, 5, 6, 7 from 7:30 am to 3:30.  All pieces are reasonable priced (10-20-50 Lempiras) and families will get a huge discount (free).  All proceeds from the sale of student work will be used to help pay for the framing of students' works for the permanent collection. 

SHORT DAY WEEK – Starting this Tuesday, June 5th, students will leave every day at 11:45.  Half days all week!  

2011 - 2012 YEARBOOK IS COMING! – The "Year of the Wolves" - The Discovery School yearbook is being printed and will be ready for disribution next Friday, according to the publisher.  We are currently offering pre-sales to guarantee that you get a copy.  Although the book is larger than last year, we have been able to arrange for no increase in the cost over last year.  Therefore, our school memories are reflected in an 80-page, hard cover yearbook for the price of L. 650 each.  You can reserve your copy by seeing Belgica in the Finance Office and paying the L. 650.  We know these will sell out quickly, so be sure and reserve yours now!  The school offices will be open throughout the summer so you will still have a chance to buy a yearbook as long as they last. 

CHOIR FUNDRAISING END-OF-THE-YEAR CARNIVAL –The Choir Parents are organizing and end-of-the-year Carnival and Bingo for Saturday, June 9, from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the school.  There will be games, food, and of course the exciting Bingo.  Please come and celebrate the end of the school year with our family and friends while supporting the Choir in their last effort to raise funds for their upcoming San Francisco trip in July. 

MOZART's ´COSI FAN TUTTE OPERA COMES TO TEGUCIGALPA– For the first time in Honduras, the National Philharmonic Association, with the support of Maestro Jorge Meija, has arranged for a professional opera company from Texas to come to Tegucigalpa and perform Mozart's famous opera, 'Cosi Fan Tutte'.  Premiere will be held on Thursday, June 7, at 7:00 p.m., with a repeat performance on Friday, June 8, at 7:00 p.m. Tickets are on sale at the Discovery School Fianance Office.  

As a part ofour continuing promotion of Art Education, we are actively pursuing the development of a relationsihp with Maestro Mejia and the Philharmonic Association that will benefit our students and promote an appreciation of the arts.  We have discussed the possibility in the future of our choir singing with the Philharmonic Orchestra, having performances of small groups of theorchestra at the school, and securing the orchestra at the school, and securing the orchestra members' participation and help in forming a string ensemble of students.  

Please help us do our part by promoting the opera next week and helping us sell the tickets.  This is a rare opportunity to see a professionally produced and performed presentation of this well-known Mozart opera.  We intend to sell at least 20 tickets-we hope you will join us!

ENROLLMENT DRIVE BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! – Many of our parents and staff members have already contributed to the school's enrollment drive through promoting us with their friends and families.  The best PR you can give the school is by recommending us and bringing new families into the school.  If you need more information about the drive, please see Paola for a copy of the guidelines.  The Enrollment Drive is on!  The best PR you can give the school is by recommending us to your family, friends and colleagues.  If you need more information about the drive, please see Paola for a copy of the guidelines. 

 DISCOVERY ZONE SUMMER CAMP – Our school's Summer Camp this year will run from June 11 to June 29.